More and more Italians leave the country every year in search of better shores. That ofemigration it is in fact a rapidly growing phenomenon, often underestimated or little treated by institutions and the media. Young graduates and workers eager to get involved see Italy as a difficult land to take off and establish themselves. But what are the real reasons that push an Italian to emigrate today? Unemployment? No chance of growth? A state that is not attentive to certain problems? No, the reasons are other, and we of #italianipuntoit we have compiled a small list.
Palms at the Milan Cathedral: when coffee becomes exotic
Several months ago, the well-known chain that prepares glasses-of-water-with-coffee-flavor stated that it will soon open several stores in Italy. One of the first Starbucks should be inaugurated next year in Piazza Duomo in Milan. For the occasion, the famous café was awarded the works for the renovation of the flower beds in the famous square. And what did they decide to plant us? Typical Lombard plants: banana trees. A massacre for the history of the city, and a clear call for international terrorism. The Milanese are still protesting today, and thousands of young Lombard people have decided to emigrate out of indignation. #AgainstTheBananas
Eastern women: emigrating to look for a wife
A famous national public television program a few Sundays ago addressed one of the most serious issues in our society: the foreign woman. To be precise, the many advantages that the sexy women of the East would have compared to the Italian tubs have been listed. According to the study, conducted by well-known sociologists graduated from the University of Life, the woman of the East is the male dream come true. If you cheat on her she doesn't get angry, but she purrs you. They don't get dirty, they don't scream and they are always beautiful even after two hours of sleep. In short, only positive aspects, which have prompted thousands of young Italians to buy a one-way ticket to Russia. #IoAmoLeMoldave
The expensive gasoline: how much does it cost to degas at the traffic light
Our gasoline is one of the most taxed commodities in the world. Without the price of the raw material (which varies every 4 seconds), the state has always applied an infinite series of excise duties. The Italian who goes to get petrol still pays for the war against Hannibal, Garibaldi's salary and the construction of the Black Death. A real injustice that forces us to use our lower limbs or public transport losers. Precisely for this reason, more and more Italians load everything they need on their 3000-displacement SUVs in search of countries where they can freely degass. #MiFacciaIlFullofTaxes
Poletti's statements: we leave immediately
Let's face it: the Minister of Labor Giuliano Poletti does not want us! Months ago he said that emigration is good for Italy because some young people do not deserve to stay in our country. A few days ago, however, he declared that, in the search for a job, a good game of soccer helps most of all and everyone. So take your resumes and change the experience section to the one on the latest positions held in the playing field. Soon the announcements will also be changed, while the job search will be done during the transfer market sections. Those who do not adapt can also remove themselves from the p ... er, they can also emigrate. #AAAcercasiTerzinoForCallCenter
Immigrants: let the Italians destroy Italy
Not a day goes by without the news reports telling us about the arrival of immigrants in our country. A constant influx of foreigners ready to steal women, taxes and jobs from us. According to the data of the League against the rights of humanity in fact, the immigrant is the first imaginary problem of our country. We do not know the reason that pushes them to us, but it is now a real invasion. Some politicians are discussing the idea of building a wall along the entire Mediterranean to block its exodus. Others, on the other hand, are outraged on social networks and on television with the hope that someone will listen to them. In the meantime, many pure-bred Italians are pouring into other countries. And that none of these ventures to define them as immigrants. We in other countries go there only to teach cooking, certainly not to steal jobs. #PrimaTheItagliani