The day Friday July 27 we would have the opportunity, or rather luck, to witness an extraordinary event that takes shape every 100 years. We are talking about the eclipse of the moon of fire. Let's go into the phenomenon and find out together what it is.
THEeclipse it is that natural phenomenon that occurs whenever the sun, earth and moon are aligned. Perfect alignment occurs only along the line of nodes, that is, at the points where the lunar orbit intersects that of the earth. So eclipses only occur if the moon is in the full moon or new moon phase or if it is in one of the nodes or near it.
In general, by eclipse we mean the darkening of the light of a celestial body from any other body by creating a total or partial shadow.

Solar and lunar eclipse

In our sky there are mainly two types of eclipses, that one solar and lunar. In the first case the sun is eclipsed (which then disappears) and vice versa in the lunar. Furthermore, in the solar eclipse the moon passes between the sun and the earth and must be observed with special glasses in order not to damage the retina. In the lunar one, the earth passes between the sun and the moon and we can watch the show quietly with the naked eye.
But what is the difference between eclipses total and partial? When the moon is in the shadow cone, the eclipse is total. But it is also so when the moon is located in the immediate vicinity, as the shadow cone of the earth is very large compared to the lunar size. On the other hand, when the moon is in the penumbra zone, there is a partial eclipse.
Furthermore, the total lunar eclipse would occur when there is a full moon, so every 28 days. So why don't we see one a month? It occurs only twice a year due to the inclination of the lunar orbit, which is not perfect with respect to us and the sun.

Eclipse of the moon of fire: what will happen on July 27

Of the 5 lunar eclipses in 2018, the longest will take place on July 27th, 2018. The moon and Mars will be the undisputed astronomical protagonists: initially the moon will be tinged with red, then we will witness a total eclipse. Two fireballs will be seen in the sky, a literally celestial spectacle.
The passage in the penumbra area will take place from 19,14 pm. At 22,20 we will see the totality of the eclipse, when it will be completely red. Once the totality of the eclipse is complete, the moon will slowly return to its original aspect. Why will the show be so long? Because the moon will be at its apogee, i.e. at its maximum distance from the earth, and it will take longer to travel its orbit. However, it is different the event of perigee happened last New Year.
... I forgot! Do you know why we talk about a blood eclipse? The red color is due to a physical effect whereby the powders present in the earth's atmosphere absorb the sunlight and reflect it, taking precisely the characteristic color. There will be company to the moon Mars, ruby ​​in color.
If you are going to plan everything in company, know that it will be enough to position yourself in a simple raised area sitting on a blanket. Look at it to the south-east, perhaps in a not particularly bright place and even better with the help of binoculars.
Wait with your eyes upwards and the binoculars in your hands the eclipse of the moon.
Are you all ready for the celestial event of the XNUMXst century?

Lunar eclipse of 27 July 2018: the event of the century awaits you with your nose up last edit: 2018-07-27T09:00:05+02:00 da Flavia Del Treste

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