There are many expense which weigh on the family budget every month, but by paying more attention to the details of the different items, you can save on various fronts. Let's see how.

Pay attention to your bills

According to the online marketplace site this year the bills of electricity and gas could significantly burden the family budget as there could be an increase between 20% and 38%.

It must be kept in mind that the best gas offers with the variable tariff have a price between 1.14 and 1.26 euros/smc, while, regarding electricity, between 0,26 and 0.33 euros per kWh. For the fixed tariff, however, gas has a price ranging from 1.29 to 1.44 euros per smc and electricity varies between 0,32 and 0,36 euros per kWh.

Therefore it is very important to compare the various rates offered and choose the most convenient one based on our needs.

Car insurance: how to choose the most convenient one

Another expense that weighs heavily on the family economy is that relating to insurance cars, the prices of which continue to rise significantly.

Again according to the Observatory in December 2023 theCar Insurance it cost 35% more than in 2022, while for motorcycle there was an increase of 37% per year.


Fixed or variable mortgage?

According to estimates, by the end of this year there could be a decrease in the instalment mortgages up to almost 13% for variable rates and 20% for fixed ones.

Good news also for those who buy a house today. Without a doubt the best choice is to activate a mutual at rate fixed, considering that the rates range from 3,10% to 3,30% with an installment of 615 euros per month, unlike the rate variable which has an average installment of 715 euros per month.

Cutting household expenses: here's how to do it last edit: 2024-02-15T07:00:00+01:00 da laracalogiuri
