Good news on the front Cvid . A could soon arrive on the market Vaccine very effective. It is the result of an experiment conducted by the US Pfizer and from the German BionTech. In Italy the tension remains high after last measures who initiated the new lockdown, dividing the country into three bands (red, orange and yellow), based on the level of infections. The virus runs fast and sows fear. Now, however, the gateway to hope has opened.
Minister Speranza: "Encouraging news"
The anti-covid vaccine is 90% effective result infections during phase 3 of the trial which is still ongoing. According to information provided by the two pharmaceutical companies, it would guarantee immunity for at least one year. From Italy, Health Minister Roberto Speranza tweets: “Today's news on the anti-covid vaccine is encouraging. But we still need a lot of prudence ”.
Great satisfaction also from Joe Biden, newly elected US president. With a note, Biden gives hope but invites us to keep a cautious attitude: "the end of the battle against Covid-19 is still far away ". The president reminds us to continue to use the masks and keep the distance. It is essential to maintain the always clean hands in addition to contact tracing when possible.
Hope from the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine
In the opinion of the American super immunologist Anthony Fauci, the efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine is "extraordinary". Albert Bourla, Pfizer's chief excutive officier, advised that the vaccine should have seasonal administration. In short, like the one already on the market for the flu. Ugur Sahin, co-founder and CEO of BioNTech, speaks of “victory for innovation and science”.
Burioni: "Maybe we are"
“Maybe there we are. The preliminary results of the Pfizer vaccine seem excellent ”. Wrote the immunologist Robert Burioni, professor of Virology at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University of Milan, on Medical Facts.
The green light from the US Health Authorities is now awaited. According to initial estimates, 50 million doses of the vaccine could be produced in 2020 and up to 1,3 billion doses in 2021. Three hundred million doses will go to the EU. If everything goes smoothly, the vaccine could be distributed between the end of the month and December with an emergency procedure.