Pandemic emergency in Italy: almost three million doses of anti-Covid vaccine will arrive in Italy between tomorrow and Easter. In practice, in just one week, more doses will be available than were delivered between January and February. An important quantity that marks the actual change of pace in the immunization of Italians.
These are the statements of the emergency commissioner Francesco Paolo Figliuolo which underlines: "Now we must all work together so that no one is left behind". Therefore, the mass vaccination campaign seems to be accelerating, after the delays and non-deliveries by the pharmaceutical companies. After the stop and go of Astrazeneca and the calls of the premier Mario Draghi to the Regions, invited to respect the indications of the government on the priority categories.
Three million doses on the way: a priority vaccination campaign for the country
"The vaccination campaign is the country's priority," says Health Minister Roberto Speranza. "We are making up for the delays - adds the Minister of Regional Affairs Mariastella Gelmini - in the coming weeks we will do more and better". Now, therefore, it is essential to accelerate, starting with the immunization of the over 80s. In fact, of the 4.639.931 elderly people belonging to this age group, 983.320 were also vaccinated with the booster, only 23 percent.
General Figliuolo is sure that about 3 million doses will arrive next week: over a million Pfizer, over 500 thousand of Modern and 1,3 million Astrazeneca. Numbers that, if confirmed, will ensure that Pfizer and Moderna will have met the deliveries set by the Ministry of Health's plan for the first quarter. While the Anglo-Swedish company would still be one and a half million doses behind, as it had promised 5.352.250.
Today's data
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health makes it known that, in the last 24 hours in Italy, 19.611 new positive cases have been registered (yesterday 23.839). The new deaths are 297 (yesterday 380); the discharged healed are 17.950 (yesterday 18.287). Currently the positive cases are altogether 573.235 (yesterday 571.878). Also in the last 24 hours they were carried out 272.630 molecular and antigenic swabs (yesterday 354.952). In intensive care wards there are 3679 patients hospitalized for Covid; in home isolation they remain 540.855 people infected with the virus.