Covid emergency: in Italy the situation is clearly improving while the WHO announces that vaccines are effective against all variants of the virus. "It will most likely be a booster, a third dose of the vaccines." This is said by the president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Silvio Brusaferro, in an interview with a national newspaper. in which he explains: “The situation is constantly improving. The combination of social distancing measures with the progressive growth of vaccination has given us this result. We must continue to be cautious, but three regions already have white-wall numbers and it is foreseeable that, week after week, more will be added.

effective vaccines against variants

Even today's data regarding the contagion curve on the national territory continue to show the light at the end of the tunnel. According to reports released by the Ministry of Health, in the last 24 hours in Italy they have registered 5.741 new positive cases (yesterday 5.5.06). The new deaths are 164 (yesterday 149). The discharged healed today are 12.816 (yesterday 13.929); altogether the positive cases are 299.486, 7.244 cheaper than yesterday. The molecular and antigenic swabs carried out in the last 24 hours are 251.037 (yesterday 287.256). In the intensive care units they are hospitalized 1.544 Covid patients (1.643 yesterday), while people still remain in home isolation 287.559 affected by the virus.

Covid, in Italy the situation is clearly improving

As for the spread of the virus in our country, Brusaferro underlines: “The situation is constantly improving. The combination of social distancing measures with the progressive growth of vaccination has given us this result. We must continue to be cautious, but three regions already have white-wall numbers and it is foreseeable that, week after week, more will be added.

variant vaccines

However, we need to monitor the variants. I think we need to move carefully, progressively. It is true that the number of vaccinated people is growing, but it is very important, where it is recommended, to continue using the mask. Proceeding in this way - concludes Brusaferro - we can always regain new levels of freedom. What we can say is that we are facing progressive improvement scenarios and this is very positive ".

Vaccines effective against all variants of the Coronavirus

Vaccines are effective against "all variants of the virus". TheWorld Health Organization. Meanwhile, the European Commission has signed a contract with Pfizer-Biontech for the supply of 1,8 billion doses of the anti-Covid vaccine and its variants for the period 2021-2023. This was announced by the president of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen and the commissioner for health Stella Kyriakides. 

Covid, WHO: "Vaccines effective against all variants of the virus" last edit: 2021-05-20T17:58:28+02:00 da Staff
