Economic crisis due to the Covid pandemic: contributions from dl Sostegni arrive. From March 30th to May 28th it will be possible to submit applications to obtain the non-repayable grant foreseen by the Sostegni decree. This is the law decree launched by Draghi government to support those in difficulty due to the economic crisis generated by the pandemic. The procedure is simple: requests must be sent to the Revenue Agency, also through an intermediary, on the electronic channels or on the web platform prepared by Sogei.

support contributions

Meanwhile, the pandemic in our country continues to register numbers that are not yet entirely comforting. Regarding the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Health makes it known that they have registered 12.916 new positive cases (yesterday 19.611). The new deaths are 417 (yesterday 297); the discharged healed are 19.725 (yesterday 17.950). Currently the positive cases are altogether 565.993, 7.242 cheaper than yesterday. Also in the last 24 hours they were carried out 156.692 molecular and antigenic buffers. In the intensive care units they are hospitalized 3721 Covid patients; in home isolation they still remain 533.109 people infected with Coronavirus.

The contributions of the dl Sostegni

The contribution will arrive directly on the current account indicated in the request or, at the irrevocable choice of the taxpayer, can be used as a tax credit in compensation. There are two requirements to access the support: having achieved revenues or remuneration not exceeding 2019 million euros in 10 and having recorded an average monthly decrease in turnover and fees in 2020 compared to 2019 of at least 30 percent. The agency has also produced a new guide that explains all the details of the measure in simple words and concrete examples.

support contributions portfolio

Who can apply for contributions

 The contribution can be requested by subjects carrying out business activities, art and profession and agricultural income. And, again, holders of VAT numbers resident or established in the territory of the State. Subjects who, in the second tax period preceding the period of entry into force of the decree, have achieved an amount of revenues or remuneration not exceeding 10 million euros.

Furthermore, the contribution is also due to non-commercial entities, including third sector entities and civilly recognized religious entities. This, in relation to the performance of business. On the other hand, subjects whose activity ceased on March 23 or have activated the VAT number subsequently are excluded from the use of the bonus.

Even the minimum support is guaranteed

The amount of the contribution is determined by applying a percentage to the difference between the average monthly amount of turnover and fees for 2020. Together with the average monthly amount of turnover and fees for 2019. In practice, you are entitled to a contribution of 60 per one hundred if the revenues and remuneration for the year 2019 do not exceed the threshold of 100 thousand euros. The Sostegni dl provides for contributions of 50 percent if the revenues and remuneration for the year 2019 exceed the threshold of 100 thousand euros up to 400 thousand.

support contributions

And, again, the contribution is 40 percent if the revenues and remuneration for the year 2019 exceed the threshold of 400 thousand euros up to 1 million. Contributions amount to 30 percent if revenues and remuneration for the year 2019 exceed the threshold of 1 million euros up to 5 million. Finally, zero percent is expected if the revenues and remuneration for the year 2019 exceed the threshold of 5 million euros up to 10 million. In any case, a minimum contribution of not less than 1.000 euros is guaranteed for individuals. And, again, a contribution of 2.000 euros for subjects other than natural persons. The amount of the recognized contribution cannot in any case exceed 150.000 euros. 

Covid: economic crisis, contributions from the dl Sostegni arrive last edit: 2021-03-29T17:51:31+02:00 da Staff

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