Everyone is waiting for it, but not everyone will? What are we talking about? The Covid vaccine. In these days when research is making giant steps and the first doses on the market are hypothesized in a few weeks, not many will do it. There are indeed skeptics, those who prefer to take a step back and grant others the "privilege" of a vaccination. And then the government is already thinking about how to map the population vaccinated. Like? Through a special license that will be awarded to those who will be vaccinated.
License for the vaccinated, a site for tracking
The hypothesis was launched by the Coronavirus emergency commissioner Domenico Arcuri. "We are designing an IT platform that will make it possible to manage - said Arcuri - the verification of the administration to know the names of the people who made the vaccine and where they did it ". A tracking that will involve the Ministry of Health, which will have the task of establishing the details of this sort of "vaccination certificate". However, it is certain that the first doses of the vaccine will be available for the people most exposed to Covid risk, such as healthcare personnel, law enforcement agencies and frail people.
The goal is "herd protection", for this you will need the license
Tracking through this license will serve to establish a sort of "herd protection". In fact, in all likelihood, vaccination will work like that for seasonal flu. That is, open to certain categories and age groups, the frail and the elderly. But to achieve herd protection it will be necessary for a large swath of the population to make the vaccines. Hence the need to have a license, which certifies vaccination.
The first vaccines available
In all likelihood the first Vaccine will be that of Pfizer "with 3,4 million doses - clarified Arcuri - which will arrive in the second half of January to vaccinate 1,7 million Italians since two doses will be needed". And then other doses to vaccinate a large part of the Italian population by September. Certainly for the moment there will be no obligation to be vaccinated. But the hypothesis of a license, a special certificate of immunity, seems concrete. There will be no obligation because there are still many to express doubts about the vaccine. Because the times to find it, create it, test it, would have been too short.
In addition to vaccines, it will also be necessary to find all the necessary materials, such as syringes. In recent days, the Ministry of Health has sent technical specifications and quantities of syringes and needles necessary for vaccination. "I trust that next Monday we will be able to ban the request for an offer - added Arcuri - to purchase syringes, needles and other accessories essential to guarantee administration. It will be a very full-bodied and somewhat articulated purchase: there are at least three types of syringes and at least six needle sizes. I wish to be in possession of the syringes before I have the doses".
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