Next Thursday the council of ministers will take place in Steccato di Cutro, la Calabrian town on whose coasts a terrible shipwreck occurred on the night of February 26 last year. A huge tragedy in which seventy people died and many others are still missing. Women, men and many children, all migrants, all from countries oppressed by wars and dictatorships such as Syria, Iran and Afghanistan.

Councils of Ministers in Cutro

 On the agenda of the Council of Ministers are strong issues such as greater reception for legal immigrants and open warfare against human traffickers. “Italy can no longer be left alone to face the phenomenon of illegal immigration – Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni wrote on social networks – We no longer want to find ourselves mourning tragedies like the one that took place in Cutro. It is our duty, moral even before political, to do everything to prevent similar misfortunes from happening again. For this reason, in Thursday's Council of Ministers and in the next European Council, the Italian government will continue its battle to stop human traffickers and deaths at sea". 

Mattarella: "After the condolences, concrete choices"

“May condolences be translated into concrete, operational decisions by all of Italy and the European Union. This is the real answer to give after the tragedy of migrants in Cutro”. Thus the President of the Republic in his speech at the University of Basilicata where he asked for concreteness from the government and a sign of life for Europe. But not only, Sergio Mattarella he also clearly explained that if entire families leave their country "with pain" there are reasons. The EU Commission has also reiterated that in any case lives at sea must be saved and the head of state also agrees on this.

From the University of Potenza he underlined how much the tragedy of Cutro involved and moved the Italians. “Also because – he added – many Afghan refugees have also been involved, that is, people fleeing one of the most obscurantist regimes on the planet. “The Afghan refugees reminded us of what our country did two years ago, with the Taliban taking over power, to bring all the citizens who collaborated to Italy. No one was left, everyone was welcomed in Italy. We are reminded of the scenes of citizens at Kabul airport begging for a ride. And they make us understand why entire families try to leave their land to look for a future elsewhere". For the head of statefreedom is not effective if it is not the prerogative of everyone in a world that is increasingly a community. Freedom and rights are not divisible”.

Council of Ministers in Cutro: enough with the massacres of migrants at sea, war against human traffickers last edit: 2023-03-07T09:00:00+01:00 da Staff

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