COVID-19 Raffaella Christmas Coronavirus, Italy responds with solidarity Italy is trying to cope in the best way with the state of emergency, in which the coronavirus has plunged us. The latest decision is ...
COVID-19 Maria Scaramuzzino I stay at home: the celebrity campaign against Covid-19 "We can summarize this new measure with the expression I stay at home." This was the expression of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte while last evening…
COVID-19 Raffaella Christmas Coronavirus, WHO admires Italy's bravery Coronavirus emergency is still high. The numbers of contagions are increasing worldwide. Italy is the most affected country after China and South Korea. It is ...
COVID-19 Maria Scaramuzzino Coronavirus, the whole Italy is a 'protected zone' "#Iorestoacasa, that is, I stay at home. The whole Italy is in a protected zone, travel across the country should be avoided unless proven by…
COVID-19, IT WILL BE BECAUSE I LOVE YOU Paolo Gambi Coronavirus: things to remind Italians and others Things to remind Italians who are desperate. In an era when a virus, the Coronavirus, is enough to depress an entire people, in order to…