My passion is telling stories. I started writing when I was very young, shortly after my love for cinema was born and I received my first camera. Words and images, I cultivate everything that helps me build worlds
Dense networks of alleys, stately buildings, underground cities and myriads of mysterious corners. It is from these architectural jewels, combined with popular traditions, that they originate…
A new app has just been launched that will totally change your life: it will make you lose weight, eliminating those annoying love handles, it will make you do the ...
Bingo! That's what Jay-Z must have thought when he learned the nominations for the 2018 edition of the Grammys. In fact, it has received 8, closely followed by ...
Summer, beach, outdoor day. Someone swims, someone floats comfortably lying on the mattress. Children play football or beach volleyball. The lazy ones idle ...