We asked Tiziana Leopizzi to tell us about ARTOUR-O IL MUST il MUSeo Temporaneo and ARTOUR-O VOLA.
"ARTOUR-O VOLA is the first step of the new course of ARTOUR-O IL MUST the Temporary Museum, which has completed 15 years and thirty editions, realizing the thirtieth just a Malta last November. Two words to introduce myself. My name is Tiziana Leopizzi, I am responsible for Ellequadro Dcumenti, an association born to share the love for art ”.
"All of our projects aim to use art as a communication tool and engine of the different activities to which everyone belongs, exactly as our illustrious Avi did, one for all. Lorenzo the Magnificent. In fact, we decided to take up their baton since on closer inspection they have always used art as a communication of their identity and a sign of their value and power. There is no shortage of examples and indeed we invite you to report them to us ".
The structure of ARTOUR-O IL MUST the Temporary MUSeo
“ARTOUR-O IL MUST the Temporary MUSeo stands as a platform for projects. It is divided into different sections, in different spaces and places of the city, with theaim to underline and communicate the identity of institutions and companies and activities. For this he uses absolutely extraordinary "tools" of communication and PR, such as history of art, architecture, contemporary art and design but also music, fashion and food, focus, teaching, meetings, in a transversal way.
The ARTOUR-O d'Argento are the awards that are given to those who make art and harmony a system of life and work ".
"MASS The International Museums in progress of Sculpture for Companies present another aspect, always aimed at production realities but in the same workplaces, with artists who respond to parameters of
versatility and versatility as evidenced by the CV of the Genius par excellence Leonardo da Vinci. MISA d'Argento behave like ARTOUR-O d'Argento. Alter Ego retraces the process of MISA but for urban realities and D - Exhibitions, conferences, etc ... So I just have to wish you a good trip with ARTOUR-O and whoever likes it can visit www.ellequadro.com"
About us
"Hellesquare documents Non-profit cultural association is a very rich archive of information on contemporary art and design whose contents are the humus for internal and external projects. The projects observe a calendar with periodic appointments all linked to creating a Network. They are conceived as a driving force to increase the economy and visibility, a legacy that we have transferred from our illustrious Avi. The context is also very rich today ".
“The whole policy of Ellequadro has always been aimed at underline and enhance art, the territory, the company and the relationship between these realities because, we have found that the propensity for beauty is the driving force of business. In conclusion, the surprising results are gradually highlighted thanks to the realization of new projects that are activated thanks to the targeted PR. The silver plates of ARTOUR-O and MISA are promptly delivered to personalities who distinguish themselves in making art a system of life and work. All projects are customized and built to communicate the identity of our interlocutors ".
ARTOUR-O THE MUST the Temporary MUSeo takes stock!
“15 years, 30 editions, in Florence and around the world; XVI Edition in Florence and XXXI in absolute and I of ARTOUR-O FLY! The journey continues between art, business, institutions, clients, communication, PR and the territory. Godmother Maria Federica Giuliani. ARTOUR-O d'Argento: Dario Nardella Helga and Marinella Fani. We will all meet on the WEB and it will be ARTOUR-O who will talk to us about what has been done so far and about the new path, together with all of you ".
“The project saw the light in 2005 with Dario Nardella now Mayor of Florence, but then President of the V Culture Commission of the Municipality of Florence. The founding and innovative idea was to refer to the contents of that Client that over the centuries has made our country unique thanks to Popes, Princes and Emperors and more, who in hindsight, were great both as communicators and as managers. Many results obtained in recent years with 15 editions a Florence and as many around the world. In addition to the 24-hour flashes, after each edition abroad, which were made in Genoa ".
"The seeds scattered in fertile soils continue to germinate, and following their growth is the new" MUST ": at MISA, the International Museums in progress for companies, the network active since 2009 with twenty art / business centers in 6 regions in Italy, and again AlterEgo, for activities in the city. Artists and Clients, two sides of the same coin, will meet together with the Friends of Beauty and Harmony in the splendid venues that have hosted in these 30 editions in 15 years ARTOUR-O IL MUST the Temporary Museum ".
ARTOUR-O FLIES with Videos with the Protagonists
“Ellequadro Documenti thanks Maria Federica Giuliani, Vice President of the City Council, Tommaso Sacchi Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Florence. Thanks the President of the Academy of Drawing Arts, Cristina Acidini, the whole Council and in particular Profs. Simon Mercieca, Duncan Mifsud Architect and CEO of the Government Property Administration - Church of Malta and Gozo, Andrea Granchi and Enrico Sartoni, Exibart and Segnonline".
The program may be subject to variations
# Italian in the heart