After the vaccine the mask can be removed, as long as we are all vaccinated people: to say it is theetc, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control. After analyzing the data of the countries with the most advanced vaccination plan (Israel and the United Kingdom in primis), the institution dictated the new guidelines. And it has opened a glimpse into what the near future will be.

How should we behave after the vaccine?

The new guidelines issued by the ECDC suggest that, as vaccination continues, safety measures could be relaxed and then eliminated. After the vaccine, therefore, in some cases it will no longer be necessary to wear the mask nor respect the spacing. This, provided you only meet people who have already completed the vaccination course (1 dose Johnson & Johnson, or two doses AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna) regardless of their age. If a vaccinated person meets unvaccinated people, they will only be able to remove the mask if they do not have such risk factors as to require greater caution. “It is recommended that the safety measures during meetings between vaccinated and unvaccinated people if any of them are an individual at greater risk of serious Covid-19 disease or if there is a high circulation of worrying variants ", the guide reads.

What happens after the vaccine - Masks and spacer may no longer be needed

Not always, after the vaccine, you can say goodbye to the mask, however. This must be used in the presence of fragile people, but also in the public spaces and at concerts, matches at the stadium, etc. Regardless of the vaccination status of the people present. What will happen to travel instead? In some cases, vaccinated persons will be exempted from the obligation to have a tampon and / or self-isolation. However, the destination will be decisive, with its rules and with its course of infections and vaccinations.

The European Commission guidelines

In its guidelines, the ECDC envisages three different scenarios:

  • 1 scenario: vaccinated people meet other vaccinated people. The risk is very low if the encounters are between young and middle-aged people. Two aspects that could change the rules: presence of symptoms compatible with Covid-19 in one of those present, high circulation of variants that elude vaccines.
  • 2 scenario: a vaccinated person meets unvaccinated people. The risk is low if we are talking about young and middle-aged people, it is low to moderate if vaccinated seniors meet people with risk factors (which is why in the latter case a mask and spacing are needed).
  • 3 scenario: unvaccinated people meet a vaccinated person. The risk is the same as in scenario 2.

Therefore, not always and not in every condition, it will be possible to remove the mask after the vaccine. Until the pandemic is declared over, caution must continue. Especially with return to the yellow zone almost all of the country.

After the vaccine the mask is no longer needed: the guidelines last edit: 2021-04-26T09:00:00+02:00 da Laura Alberti
