A small crack begins to appear, a small flame at the end of the tunnel. And this little light comes from the southernmost part of the boot, from Reggio Calabria. At the GOM, the Great Metropolitan Hospital, in fact, zero new infections were recorded for six consecutive days. And never as in this period the 0 is the number that we all yearn for, to which we all aim, that we hope to see throughout Italy.

Covid department of the GOM
Photo from Official site hospital

In our hearts, all of us Italians await six in the afternoon in the hope of hearing these very words at the national level "Today there have been zero new infections". And while waiting for this communication, we comfort ourselves with the news coming from the city of the Strait.

Zero new infections at the GOM of Reggio Calabria for six consecutive days

Yesterday, April 17, around 20 pm the official date of the daily data arrived. At the GOM, the Great Metropolitan Hospital "Bianchi Melacrino Morelli", out of 232 swabs carried out, none tested positive. This was communicated by the Company Management. The trend of zero new infections has been going on for a week now. In fact, even in the days preceding the data relating to the Great Hospital of the city of the Fata Morgana were equally positive. Friday on 238 and Thursday on 219 people subjected to the swab to diagnose the possible presence of Sars-Cov-2 no positive case has been highlighted. Same thing on 14, 13 and 12 April: out of 40, 55 and 144 tests carried out at the GOM, respectively, none gave positive results.

Arena of the Reggio Calabria strait
Author: Aldo fiorenza - License: CC BY-SA 4.0

To date, 35 patients with Covid-19 are hospitalized at the “Bianchi Melacrino Morelli”, 3 of which are in intensive care, while the rest are in ordinary hospitalization. Instead, the patients recovered and discharged from the same facility were 28. Unfortunately, 15 deaths have been recorded in the metropolitan city since the beginning of the pandemic.

The situation in Calabria

In Calabria to date, 991 it is the people on Calabrian soil who have contracted the Coronavirus. After a few days in which the positive cases have not reached ten, the numbers return to rise due to the outbreak that broke out in the RSA of Torano Castello, in the province of Cosenza. 20.131 is the number of swabs carried out: 19.140 of which were negative. 658 are people positive for the virus and in home quarantine, while 161 are the patients treated in the various Calabrian hospitals, of which 7 in intensive care. People who didn't make it to defeat the virus, unfortunately, there are many: there are 73 throughout the region. While 99 are the people healed.

# Italian in the heart

A small crack from the GOM of Reggio Calabria last edit: 2020-04-18T09:00:00+02:00 da Serena Villalla
