Unlike the promotion rates which vary greatly, the relegation odds in Serie B substantially respect the ranking and indicate Lecco and Feralpisalò in great difficulty, while they are very high for the current teams in the top positions of the table. The odds of Sampdoria and Spezia are also low, indicating that the bookmakers do not take for granted a rise in the two big league teams currently in great difficulty.
Relegation odds in Serie B
Remember that these are the average odds of the major bookmakers. Below are the odds:
- Citadel 7.50
- Ascoli 2.55
- Brescia 6.55
- Lecco 1.10
- Como 15.00
- Cosenza 7.50
- Sudtirol 7.50
- Feralpisalò 1.25
- Modena 15
- palermo 200
- parma 250
- Pisa 6.25
- Reggiana 2.55
- Sampdoria 3.50
- Spice 4.25
- Bari 7.50
- Ternana 2.50
- Catanzaro 25
- Cremone bolt 33
- Venezia 150
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