March 25 is World Endometriosis Day, an initiative born in the US but also spread to Italy

THEEndometriosis it is a pathology from which they suffer, in Italy, over 3 million women of childbearing age.

How does endometriosis manifest itself?

THEEndometriosis it can manifest itself with the onset of menstrual cycles and spontaneously go into remission with menopause, when the estrogen hormone production that feeds it is lacking.
Often you do not know you have it, even if you do symptoms. For lack of information or for the difficulty of speaking, even with the doctor, about pains that affect the most intimate part of one's body, it happens that the diagnosis of endometriosis is reached even after many years.
Today all the tools exist both for an early diagnosis and for adopting pharmacological and / or surgical therapies that block, delay or even partially regress the disease.
Behind the onset ofendometriosis there is a genetic predisposition. So a young woman, whose mother suffered from this disease, has seven to ten times a greater risk that she too will develop it.

There is no scientific evidence that can link endometriosis to nutrition. Constant physical activity, on the other hand, helps in general to feel better.

Endometriosis: A Disabling Disease?

Endometriosis: A Disabling Disease?

THEEndometriosis originates fromuterus. The mucosa that lines the uterine cavity internally, monthly, "flakes", causing the menstrual cycle. This "Endometrial tissue" in part it flows back through the tubes into the abdominal cavity. In some predisposed women it implants causing foci of inflammation that can also affect organs close to the uterus such as the rectum, vescia and ureters.
Endometriosis therefore causes severe pains during periods and ovulations, during or after sexual intercourse, chronic pelvic pain, recurrent cystitis, intermenstrual discharge and irritable bowel.
It's a chronic disease and often disabling. For this reason, the essential levels of assistance have been included in the new Lea. In the "moderate" and "severe" clinical states, the National Health Service will cover the treatments, the visits, the diagnostic tests but the ticket will be paid.

Although it is a disease that, even if cured and stabilized, can recur over the years, it must not create alarmism. It is a benign disease. Therefore the risk that it can generate tumors over time is negligible. It is also wrong to think that a woman suffering from endometriosis necessarily becomes sterile.
The inflammatory state can cause adhesions, ovarian cysts and alterations of the tubes, up to occlusion, therefore an unfavorable environment for fertilization.
But once the disease has been diagnosed, based on the patient's history, a gynecological visit and a trans-vaginal ultrasound, therapies can be tailored to take into account the personal needs of the sufferer. Surgical interventions are also less and less invasive and traumatic.

Italy will also be at the Million Woman March for Endometriosis on March 25th last edit: 2017-03-24T08:05:23+01:00 da Rossana Nardacci

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