The latest Istat report on the labor market highlights one employment growth in Italy with +175.000 positions compared to the first quarter of 2022. An encouraging situation, also considering the large number of competitions announced in recent years and those arriving for turn over of the staff. An Italy that goes, despite the pessimism also due to conflicting international geopolitical contexts. We are talking about thousands of new jobs arriving with the construction of the Genoa breakwater.

We immortalize an Italy that is growing

We want to photograph you a Beautiful country that advances and we do so by taking a look at Genoa, the leading port city for the Italian economy. In the first half of 2022 the ports of Genoa and Savona recorded + 9% of goods handled. This has given Genoa the primacy as an Italian port for cargo handling. Last but not least, the Genoa Boat Show it has been successful well beyond expectations. During the event it was revealed as the sector Made in Italy: of pleasure boating has recorded double-digit growth percentages.

Breakwater: the largest renovation of the port area

“Proposals from two important and solid entrepreneurial groups arrived at the tender for the construction of the Genoa Dam. A further step forward for a project aimed at continuing and becoming a concrete reality. The work continues thanks to the solid and constant commitment of the institutions, which aim for the good and development of our port system, so that it is increasingly competitive and efficient. In spite of the sterile controversies, we are continuing to break down immobility. The Genoa and Liguria model works and will improve further ". This is what the councilor for the port of Genoa declared on 28 July Francis Maresca.

Breakwater at the port of Genoa

Today I'm on the way thousands of jobs in Liguria thanks to the construction of the new breakwater at the Port of Genoa. Only on 27 May the Special Committee of the Superior Council of Public Works of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility approved the Genoese breakwater project. "I'm optimistic about the dam" - stated last July Francis Maresca. "In the case of Genoa it is clear that all large and small international operators are deciding to rely on the Genoese route to feed the great European corridors. And it is for this reason that we must run so that our route is adequately infrastructured ”. 

Thousands of hires to build the new Genoa breakwater

A few months after the start of the tender procedures to award the works, today we are talking about thousands of jobs arriving. Webuild, Fincantieri, Fincosit and Sidra are the companies that will carry out the work, leading Genoa to reaffirm its leading position for the Italian economy. This is the most important reorganization of the port area carried out in the last twenty-five years. A satisfaction that adds to the success of Made in Italy in pleasure boating highlighted in the new edition of the Genoa Boat Show.

The construction of the new breakwater will bring five thousand new jobs

To the estimated one thousand job placements, many others could be added second Andrea Tafaria by Filca Cisl Liguria. The Secretary General of Filca Cisl Liguria said in a note that it could be "an extraordinary opportunity that we must not miss ". "The Foranea Dam can guarantee the construction sector at least 5000 jobs in total in the five years necessary for the construction of thea ”- he stated.

The economic situation in Italy

The Italian economy is currently related to three crises: economic, demographic (with the lowest number of births) and energy. The newly formed government will have to work on several fronts, (in primis) to stem the expensive bills and inflation. The NRP appears to be a focal point for Italy's growth strategies. According to Istat forecasts, Italian GDP is expected to continue to grow both in 2022 (+ 2,8%) and in 2023 (+ 1,9%), albeit slowing compared to 2021 and the evolution of employment will be in line with the improvement in economic activity with a more marked increase in 2022 (+ 2,5%) compared to 2023 (+ 1,6%).

Italy that runs. Employment growing with the Genoa dam last edit: 2022-10-25T09:00:00+02:00 da Antonella Marchisella

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