The Italian Space Agency, better known as the ASI founded in 1988 to harmonize the forces and investments of the space sector of our country, which has been operating in the sector for about sixty years, is a public body that works under the aegis of Italian Ministry of University and Research.

Italian space agency, satellite

In just twenty years theASI has become a leader in the field of international space science, becoming one of the most appreciated excellences of our country with regard to satellite technologies, and the development of means to reach and explore the cosmos. From the desire to explore the universe, in search of new technologies, space today is the ideal dimension that allows the horizon of the human mind to dream of truly knowing worlds that are still unknown.

Italian Space Agency partner of NASA

Italy is the third country that contributes most to the European Space Agency, and is a world leader, in fact, Italy has participated with NASA in the most important missions in recent years.

Italian space agency, astronaut
One of the most significant projects is the construction of the International Space Station, where Italian astronauts have shown great professionalism. The Italian scientific community has achieved significant successes in the sector, making decisive "steps" towards understanding the phenomenon of gamma ray bursts, as well as in the study of gamma ray sources. ASI builds instruments and parts of them that travel in NASA and ESA probes suitable for the exploration of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and will be present in the main space missions of the future.

Space, environment and economic development

From space, observing the Earth, it is possible to predict and prevent environmental disasters, monitor climate change, and Italy is the leader with systems such as Cosmo Sky-Med for the study of our planet. Not negligible is the economic opportunity that lies ahead with regard to telecommunications and satellite navigation, since ASI, with its experience in the construction of satellites, works to ensure that the country is ready for this purpose.

Recently the Italian Aerospace Research Center (CIRA) performed tests in the “Scirocco” Plasma Wind Tunnel, for the US company Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC), regarding the development of a NASA spacecraft to transport supplies to the International Space Station. The components tested are full-scale technological demonstrators of the thermal protection system of the Dream Chaser, for the re-entry phase, the most critical one. The plant has proved to be a unique excellence in the world; powered by an arc heater of 70 MW of maximum electrical power, it is capable of generating a plasma jet of up to 2 m in diameter, 12 Mach of speed and 10.000 degrees Kelvin, and of hosting large models up to 60 cm in diameter.

Secondo Steve Lindsey Vice President of SNC Programs, the tests carried out at CIRA have confirmed that the Dream Chaser will be able to safely return to the atmosphere by landing on the runway, which is the most delicate part of a mission, and this will also be possible thanks to the great technology expressed. from an Italian excellence in continuous growth not only in international esteem, but above all in the remarkable scientific results achieved.

NASA and the Italian space agencyThese tests with Sierra Nevada, the result of a cohesive and fruitful collaboration over time and results, demonstrate how CIRA represents a fundamental asset of the Italian space system that can attract the most important customers in what is the rapidly growing new space economy. Therefore the considerable results achieved not only make us proud as Italians for this fantastic research facility for which very important investments have been planned in the next three years, but also encourage us to grow as an Italian Space Agency.

To have the top of technology, it is essential to work with the best, and to be privileged partners in the space engineering work that is number one today, and the Italian Space Agency today is certainly among the best.

Italian Space Agency, world leader and NASA partner last edit: 2018-05-30T09:00:16+02:00 da simona help
