Arab-Norman itinerary Sicilian is a World Heritage Site

The cultural sites of the most significant period of the island's history have inscribed the Arab-Norman itinerary in the UNESCO "World Heritage List".

Palermo, Cefalù and Monreale: three cities where different cultures and customs coexist

The grandeur of the Cathedral of Palermo, the charm of Cloister of Monreale and the wonder of Cathedral of Cefalù they are part of a journey that marks an indelible trace of the island's artistic and cultural heritage.

A path in which the other precious tiles of the Arab mosaic have also been inserted. The domes of the church of San Giovanni degli Eremiti and those of San Cataldo, the splendor of the Royal Palace and the magnificence of the Sistine Chapel, the Church of Santa Maria dell'Ammiraglio known as the Martorana, the Zisa castle and the Ponte dell'Ammiraglio . All the monuments mark the passing of the baton between two different civilizations.

Between 1130 and 1190 under the Norman kings, the most important works were carried out thanks to the workers of Arab, Latin and Byzantine culture.

The recognition of the Arab-Norman itinerary to the city of Palermo

Two years after the recognition of the Arab-Norman itinerary, the city has enhanced a heritage of inestimable value.

Who today would like to follow the same steps of the dominations that have written the history of this land, can reach Palermo and savor the wonders of Monreale and Cefalù. Three cities where the period of Arab domination gives way to the Norman one.

A journey between history and architecture, between different religions and cultures but always in the name of integration.

Arab-cultural itinerary in the project of Palermo Capital of Youth 2017

LArab-Norman itinerary is also part of the Palermo Capital of Culture 2018 project, as well as the headquarters of Manifesta 2018, the biennial of contemporary art. After the stops in Frankfurt, Zurich and St. Petersburg, it arrives for the first time in Sicily.

THEentire Arab-Norman site it arises precisely from the recognition that the set of monuments, historic buildings and churches is a material example of exchanges and coexistence between different heterogeneous components.

According to Unesco, this syncretism is the root from which modern European Mediterranean civilization developed. A winning path that has changed the idea of ​​a city in constant struggle with the stereotype of the mafia, in a capital with a lively cultural and artistic ferment. A Palermo immersed in the cultural change and in the path of self-esteem that it has developed in recent years.

The recognition of the Arab-Norman itinerary to the city of Palermo

The Arab-Norman itinerary represents a great opportunity for Sicily

The Itinerary is one of the fundamental tools for the cultural and economic growth of the entire Region. Palermo was awarded for being a point of reference in the world of hospitality and integration. It is the city of hospitality. It is no coincidence that the places of the Arab-Norman itinerary evoke the history and image of a Palermo mosaic of cultures, the cradle of modern civilization and a crossroads of values ​​in a mixture that does not know intolerance.

Not only tourism but also development of the territory. All promotion and enhancement activities are managed by the Unesco Sicily Foundation. It protects the nine monuments inscribed on the route as world heritage of humanity.

The World Heritage Volunters 2017 project

The Arab-Norman itinerary has been included among 13 routes that will be based in Europe and one of the 50 that will be implemented all over the world. The WHV project will involve the children in various activities in the course dress.

The Sicily Foundation has involved 10 young international volunteers in field activities for the protection and enhancement of Unesco sites. The young people will be involved in tourist accommodation at the Unesco Visitor Center of Palermo and Cefalù for the creation of a guide to good sustainable tourism practices. And also in the conduct of a short campaign on accessible tourism for people with disabilities.

Thanks to Unesco recognition, Palermo is preparing to experience a new spring. A season that goes against the tide with respect to the idea of ​​a Gattopardian Sicily, in which everything changes so that everything remains as before.

Sicily has turned the page this time.

Arab-Norman itinerary of Palermo included in the Unesco World Heritage last edit: 2017-06-12T07:27:39+02:00 da Rossana Nardacci
