Medicine and technology now travel on the same track. And more and more often this technology is made in Italy, as demonstrated by the robot nurse Hunova or come on recent advances in the fight against Alzheimer's. In these days another project of great interest was also presented: that of one wireless t-shirt capable of monitoring our cardiorespiratory functions.

A concentrate of high technology

Is called and at first glance it would seem a normal t-shirt. And actually it is, only that it hides many secrets inside. It is in fact a wireless t-shirt with an infinite series of sensors able to control all cardiorespiratory activity. A real Holter, but without those annoying electrodes that are applied directly to the skin. That will be his job to monitor heart rate and breath day and night, both during sleep and when awake, without ever stopping. In this way it will be possible to identify, well in advance, some pathologies that are difficult to diagnose if not with long (and expensive) examinations.
Another novelty is represented by the fact that the patient will be able to independently check the information recorded, without having to wait for the processing of the various laboratories.

wireless t-shirt

A wireless t-shirt from the fashion capital

But who is behind this wireless t-shirt? The project bears the signature of the Compensation, Clinical and Rehabilitation Cardiology Unit of the Monzino Cardiology Center in Milan. The device instead was made by Milanese start up LIFE Italy. It is the first device of its kind in the world and has already been tested, with excellent results, in the field. In the past week a group of people between the ages of 20 and 80 used it, allowing a collection of very different values. The data have always proved to be correct, confirming the reliability of the product. All that remains is the large-scale application, with the hope that this wireless t-shirt can become our best friend.

A wireless t-shirt made in Italy to control our heart last edit: 2017-10-23T09:30:23+02:00 da Gabriel Roberti
