In Greccio, where St. Francis created the first nativity scene in the world, the representation of the Nativity is being revived these days. On 26 and 28 December 2022 and then again on 1, 6, 7 and 8 January 2023, the small Umbrian village comes to life with the historical re-enactment of the Greccio crib of 1223. To give life to the representation, dozens of characters in medieval costumes engaged in you are living paintings.

The living nativity scene of Greccio

The historical representation brings to life the birth of the first crib in history (Christmas of 1223) made by Saint Francis of Assisi with the help of the Noble Lord of Greccio, Giovanni Velita. There first scene symbolize the events that occurred in 1246 when the Franciscan friars of Greccio they return to their hermitage. Also on stage is the moment in which the Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor asks Friar Leone to draw up a summary of the main moments in the life of St. Francis. Meanwhile the village it comes alive with young people celebrating in the taverns while the three friars, having left the church, head towards the village welcoming and conversing with the inhabitants. In the second scene Brother Silvestro and Brother Egidio tell how Francis was welcomed and loved by the people of Greccia. The citizens of Greccio invite Friar Leone to tell one of the many episodes in the life of Francis.

greek crib
(Photo Facebook Crib Greccio)

The "poor man” as soon as he arrived in Greccio with some of his brothers, he found refuge in a hermitage located in an inaccessible area called "La Cappelletta" at 1200 meters. Tthird scene of the living nativity scene: Giovanni Velita, lord of Greccio together with his heralds, they visit Francesco Al Monte Lacerone. He begs Francesco and his followers to return to the village and spread the word of the lord among the people. Francis decides to accept their prayers. His abode is chosen by divine will through the throwing of a burning ember.

Remembering the life of St. Francis

In fourth scene we go back to 1223 when at the request of the noblewoman Jacopa dei Settesoli and Cardinal Ugolino, Pope Honorius III receives Francis and his brothers at the papal court in Rome. The Pope is asked to authorize the preaching of the Gospel, a papal bull that recognizes the rules of life of the friars (the rule) and the authorization to build a nativity scene in Greccio. He requests that the pontiff accepts.

saint francis of assisi
San Francesco d'Assisi

In penultimate scene Francesco meets Giovani Velita, ready to help him create, in 1223, what will become the first nativity scene in the world. Last scene. Madonna Alticama, wife of Giovanni Velita, made an image of the child with her own hands. At the herald's announcement, all the inhabitants of Greccio on that holy night prepare for the procession that will lead to the cave to venerate a child in the humble manger. It is Jesus, the king of kings, who came to redeem humanity from all its sins

The living crib of Greccio recalls the Nativity and the life of St. Francis last edit: 2022-12-26T09:00:00+01:00 da Maria Scaramuzzino
