Among the many traditions of the past, one is unknown to most. We are talking about the Factories, closely related to the Calende. And, as the name suggests, also at Fava beans.

What were the Fabarie

In ancient times, on the first day of each month, the Romans performed precise rituals. Let's talk about Kalends, an event during which citizens offered beans to the gods as a sign of good luck. With the arrival of June, the Calende changed its name becoming Fabarie. The difference? During the Fabarie, the beans offered they were fresh from the fields. The people threw them near the temples and statues of the gods, hoping for luck and good fertility of the fields.

Why exactly the fava beans?

Since the ancient Greeks and then coming to the Romans, the Fava beans they are the protagonists of various legends. From forbidden and untouchable food, they later became an inevitable food during the holidays. The story goes that they were considered important only on the first day of the month, while for the rest of the days they were seen as an impure food. The beans, in fact, according to ancient beliefs they represented death. This was demonstrated by the funeral ceremonies, with the legume that "accompanied" the deceased on his last journey. It was only with the passing of the centuries that they gained importance. In fact, during the Middle Ages, broad beans were the protagonists of the festivals in which the King of the evening. They were hidden inside some cakes then served to guests. The lucky one who got the dessert with the legume inside became the "king", and earned the right to dance with a "queen". 

Fabarie - The broad beans
The beans are eaten shelled, seasoned with a pinch of salt - Photo taken from Wikipedia (credit Assianir - CC BY-SA 4.0)

Thinking of beans today, a star food of Roman tradition for centuries, it is difficult to think how once this food was feared and despised. Fortunately, they are very popular, in particular in combinations with pecorino or crispy bacon. However, the most popular way to taste beans is the classic one, that is taste with a pinch of freshly peeled salt

Le Fabarie: when throwing the beans was a good omen last edit: 2022-06-12T09:31:00+02:00 da Laura Alberti

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