It seems that the Super bonus 110% it will also be extended into 2024 with changes. Here's what they are.

The 110% Superbonus, here's the news

Introduced in May 2020 by the then government led by Conte, the Superbonus has evolved and adapted to the Italian situation. This is a measure of tax relief and incentives introduced for renovations buildings.

The Superbonus has been available since last January cut to 90% and this percentage is expected to decrease also for the next few months 70.

Il Meloni government is examining the possibility of extending the 100% bonus for all companies and construction sites that have already started work. For the others you have until November 30th to communicate the credit transfers and invoice discounts made in 2022. 

In fact, we remind you that, from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2022, the discount was valid only for condominiums that had completed at least 30% of the works by 2022 June 60 (the deadline had been extended until 31 December 2022) to carry out interventions on the energy requalification buildings (with lowering of at least two classes) or reduction of seismic risk.

The possibility of accessing the 100% contribution will certainly be given to condominium owners and to those who have already started the works.
What's new for the 100% Superbonus in 2024

Who can benefit from the 110% Superbonus between 2023 and 2024?

According to these conditions, among those who can benefit from the 100% Superbonus, probably up to March 2024, there are the condos and to those who have already started the work. Possible discounts will also be available at least until December 2023 houses. However, the latter must be registered as a first home and with a "reference income" not exceeding 15.000 euros.

Furthermore, to take advantage of the Super bonus 110% only it will be considered state di advancement of the  jobs established by Cilas, the sworn communication of the start of work.

Some have proposed also taking into consideration those who have a low ISEE and depending on the energy class achieved.

Furthermore, from 17 February, it is no longer possible to transfer the Superbonus credit or benefit from the discount on the invoice.

Today the conditions are these. We await further clarifications.

photo from Pixaby

Super bonus 110% also in 2024 last edit: 2023-09-26T08:07:48+02:00 da SABRINA PORTAL

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