La 72esima edition of the Festival of Sanremo will air from 1 to February 5 2022 but it is already talked about. As already announced, the couple will remain at the helm Amadeus Fiorello, who had made the audience boom in the two previous editions. The competing artists will 24, or 22 big + the 2 winners of Sanremo Giovani, which will take place in December. The category Young it will therefore no longer be present, together with that of New proposals. During the first two evenings of the 2022 Festival of Sanremo all the artists will perform (12 per evening) with them unpublished tracks. They will then be re-proposed all together during the third evening. The fourth evening is instead dedicated to cover (of national and international songs from the 60s to the 80s). The 5 February instead it will be the final evening, in which the winner, the second and the third classified will be announced.
Sanremo Festival 2022: how to vote
The biggest news of the Sanremo 2022 Festival will concern the Voting. The regulation this year provides for a Jury of journalists divided into three branches: printed paper and TV, website e radio. These will respectively weigh for 33% (newspapers, television and web) e 34% (radio) out of the total. The "three juries" will vote during the first two evenings. February 3 will be the turn of the Opinion Jury 1000, (50%) and del televoting (50%). On February 4, the evening of the covers, they will vote again all juries. The vote will be divided into 33% 1000 opinion poll jury, 33% journalists (united) e 34% televoting. On February 5th, the public will vote again. The vote will average with that of the previous evenings to arrive at one new ranking (by clearing the previous votes). THE first 3 classified songs will be re-proposed and we will return to vote with the modalities of the cover evening to choose the winner of Sanremo 2022.
Finally this edition will see again the return of the public and of the opinion poll jury 1000 al Ariston theater. Of course, spectators will be accepted only if equipped with Green pass. Amadeus , Music commission for Sanremo Giovani they are currently analyzing the 711 applications for participation of the artists who arrived in recent days. Among these will be chosen 30, who will take part in the singing festival, which will end on 15th December. During the final evening, Amadeus will also unveil the list of the 22 big present at the Sanremo 2022 Festival (in addition to the two winners of Sanremo Giovani). Who will be the next winner of the Festival? Who will have the honor of representing Italy atEurovision 2022 di Torino? The "totonomi" will start in a few weeks.
Cover photo: © RAI PRESS OFFICE (official Facebook page).
How beautiful the Festival is!