Dante Alighieri "Reborn" between the pages of a new illustrated story Disney. paper Dante (Giunti Publisher) wants to be a great tribute to the Supreme Poet, whose 700th anniversary from his death, which occurred in 1321. This Disney book is an all-Italian work. The designs were in fact made by Giada Perissinotto e Andrew Cagol (for colors), while Augusto Macchetti he edited the screenplay. The work is composed entirely of 192 pages. In addition to the main story of PaperDante (written in prose), there will also be comic stories "Mickey's Hell"(1949-1950), signed by Angelo Bioletto e Guido Martina, and the following "Donald's hell"(1987), designed by Giulio Chierchini, with the screenplay by Massimo Marconi.
PaperDante: the Divine Comedy according to the Disney authors
In this unedited story, Paperino he will play the role of a very young Dante Alighieri. Macchetti's idea is to imagine an episode in the life of PaperDante, which will bring the latter the inspiration to create his Comedy years later. In addition to Dante (or During), there will be no lack of iconic characters from the Disney world, first of all Uncle Scrooge, which here will be uncle Alighiero. Dante's Beatrice will be interpreted here by an equally very young man Daisy Duck (PaperBice). The story begins with a ten-year-old Dante, who is sent by his uncle Alighiero to the woods to get some water. Here he runs into a big one stone quarry (the "dark forest"Which here becomes"a great black darkness“) From which he hears whispers. Moved by curiosity, he decides to enter and follow that voice, which he will later discover to be from Beatrice, the little duck he is infatuated with. It will be she who will show him the exit from the dark quarry.
PaperDante is already available from today in bookstores and online, at the price of 12 €. As well as the previous comic parodies dedicated to Dante Alighieri (included in the volume), even this illustrated story promises to be already a classic for the little ones. The original idea and the beautiful illustrations by Giada Perissinotto make this story truly exciting for children (the recommended age is by 8 years up). But what makes PaperDante special is the prose writing, a stroke of genius, which is well suited to the history of Dante Alighieri duck. Volume is a must have for all lovers of the Disney world and who knows if it is also useful for bringing younger people closer to reading the Divine Comedy, perhaps the volumes with illustrations by Gustave Doré.
What great news!
How cute!