When you emigrate to another country there are a whole series of elements you need to consider. You will have to deal with a different language and way of life. You will need to find a new home and probably a new job. The climate, the food, the entertainment, the people themselves - everything will be different. More or less different depending on how far you go and how far the place where you have chosen to emigrate is from Italy. An InterNation search identified i main problems facing expats around the world, asking them directly. Here's what emerged.
The main problems facing expats around the world: loneliness and lack of ties
In my opinion this is it the prince of the problems of those who decide to change their lives and emigrate elsewhere. Family, friends, acquaintances. But even the shopkeepers and the people you meet every day are far away. The landscape, not only urban but also human, is different. You are alone, often in a big city, without reference points, people with whom to exchange even just a chat and established habits. Obviously the start is a little shock. But time will help you create the routine and social relationships needed to call your new country home.
But consider this too. As always, a crisis hides an opportunity. That is to say, it is the perfect time to reflect on the ways of thinking, living, relating to others and spending the free time you have always used, probably without even thinking about it. And eventually change habits and create better ones, which give you more satisfaction.
The expats interviewed by InterNations identified the lack of social support and emotional relationships (family and friends) as the first and main problem encountered once they arrived at their destination. Many also point out the difficulty in making new friends. It is obvious that reaching 20-30-40 years in a place where you don't know your neighbors, you don't have bonds created at school, playing sports or in previous jobs, while everyone else has them, is tough.
Solution: not only be friendly and approach with an open attitude more or less anyone who crosses your path, but also - and in my opinion above all - do some activity. Whether it's a team sport, a language course or dedicating a few hours to volunteering. Then look for expat communities in your city.
The main problems facing expats around the world: new jobs, new habits
Recent research by the British Statistical Institute shows that the number of emigrants in jobs with respect to which they are overqualified is much higher compared to that of Brits in the same situation. More than one in three Europeans (for those coming from southern and northern European countries). Almost half of those who come from Eastern Europe. This figure clearly indicates how those who move are sometimes forced to seek employment below your skills, level of education and previous professional experience. This explains why one of the main problems facing expats around the world is the need to adapt to new work contexts and a new professional culture. In addition to the fact that some complain of having lower income.
It goes without saying that everyone, even those who manage, thanks to the particular profession they carry out or the fact of being transferred from their company abroad, to have good economic conditions and perhaps better than at home, complain about the lack of a network of professional contacts.
Solution: finding a good job that gives satisfaction and a better salary than what you earned at home depends on many factors. Course of study, totality of skills, experience. In my opinion it is also a question of opportunities. And sometimes of courage. The courage to aspire to jobs that you think are a little higher than your CV and to go for it. In any case, whatever you go to do, you will have to work a little harder than the others. Just think of the language barrier that the natives don't have. Therefore learn the language well, consider returning to study to improve your skills. Then take a good look at the local job market and give yourself time to adapt.
The main problems facing expats around the world: money
The last category of problems that emigrants highlighted concerns thefinancial aspect. Many are worried about the future of their money. At the head of the question of board. Not only are we not sure if the system currently in place in most Western countries will still be in place when it is our turn to retire. But there are also great differences between the various national systems that make the story intricate. Not all countries have signed agreements to allow what has been accumulated in Italy to be added to what should constitute your pension abroad, for example.
Someone, then, he is not happy with having to depend financially on his partner. For example when she moves later and needs a period of adaptation, especially on a linguistic level, or in the case of women on maternity leave. The other side of the coin is the difficulty living next to someone who is not happy with the move (this happens especially in the case of transfers wanted by the company).
Solution: informed both in Italy and in the country of destination about pension and financial aspects in general. Study how taxes work, any forms of support you can access, insurance and alternative forms of pension. Often it is enough to start from the official government website which provides simple guides to understand the general aspects.
On the other hand, if you suffer from partner addiction, try looking for online courses to improve your language. Then acquire useful skills for the job you do or would like to do once abroad. And maybe start with a volunteer business or working from home in the industry. Slowly you will gain confidence and you will find satisfaction in a job (and a salary) of your own.
The main problems facing expats around the world: the future
The future also seems to be not always rosy. For some, emigrating was a true culture shock. While for others, living away from home, especially after some time, becomes tiring. And it would like to finally take root.
Solution: if you really haven't digested the transfer try to evaluate the pros and cons in a rational way. You may find positives that you haven't thought of before. Or decide to return home or change destination.