With a series of questions and answers, we reveal the main curiosities about pasta. Not only the most loved food by him Italian but also what, together with pizza, characterizes us in the world. But which, it will seem strange, was neither invented nor consumed for the first time in Italy.

Did you know that it has very ancient origins?

Many trace the origins of pasta back to Neolithic, this being the period in which the production of wheat spread. But only in the times of the ancient Romans did the first format occur.

Do you know which was the first format?

He was called lagana. They were thin rectangles, precursors of our lasagna. The dough was made with water and wheat flour flavored with spices and fried in olive oil. It first appeared in a cookbookby Marcus Apocius, a cook who seems to have lived between the XNUMXst century BC and the XNUMXst century AD

Who were the first to cook dry pasta?

It was the Arabs who imported this custom to Sicily. The first type to be cooked was the vermicelli. One of the first testimonies on the way of cooking this pasta is found in an Arab-Sicilian tourist guide of 1154.

Did you know that you used to not mix with your hands?

Well yes. Until the nineteenth century the mass was kneaded by barefoot workers who pressed it to the rhythm of the mandolin. This system remained in place until the early 1800s when Ferdinand II, king of Naples, was persuaded to have a faster and more hygienic system designed.

Did you know that pasta was not a savory dish?

It seems strange, but it is so. It was initially seasoned with honey and spices, especially cinnamon. In 1500 the custom of selling pasta on the street spread in Naples. We ate with our hands, without anything or topped only with cheese. The sauce married her only in the 800th century. A dressing with tomato, basil and a pinch of salt replaced the dull pasta from the kiosks. The first recipe for pasta with sauce dates back to 1839 and can be found in the appendix of the text Theoretical practical cooking by Ippolito Cavalcanti.

Why was dried pasta invented?

Dry pasta was invented because, being rich in calories and nutrients, it was an excellent source of energy for explorers who set out on long and tiring journeys. Furthermore, dried it was easy to transport and was not subject to deterioration.

How many types are there?

Penne, spaghetti, farfalle. Wholemeal or egg. Fresh and stuffed. We would fill pages and pages if we wanted to list them all. There are more than 350.

Do you know that pasta is the main source of energy for our body?

100 g of pasta provide on average: 371 kcal, 75g of carbohydrates, 2g of sugar, 2g of fat and 13g of protein.

How much of it is produced each year and where is it consumed the most?

In Italy 3,3 tons of pasta are produced per year. And more is consumed in the South than in the North. The 40kg per person consumed each year in Sicily are opposed by the 20kg in Trentino Alto Adige.

But did you know he also had enemies?

Yes, our beloved dish had opponents. Arthur Schopenhauer called it 'the power of the resigned', as some believed it could cause mental illness. The fascist party, on the other hand, claimed it made people lazy. The futurist Marinetti accused pasta of killing the virile and warrior soul of the Italians. Mussolini too was of his own opinion. Abolishing its use, according to them, would have freed Italy from foreign grain and favored the rice industry.

Did you know that pasta ...? Here are some curiosities about the food most loved by Italians last edit: 2019-03-30T09:00:45+01:00 da Serena Villalla
