The Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, announced the arrival of the Italian Green Pass by 15st May which will allow you to move without problems in our country. It is a certified certifying theimmunization of the individual means Vaccine,negative result of a buffer carried out within 48 hours from the move or the certificate of healing by Covid-19. This Green Pass will also be useful for travelers from countries Ue, Israel e USA, to avoid the mandatory quarantine once you enter Italy. This also means that this new measure will do so expire the old ordinance by Minister Speranza, which expires on 15 May. Of course, the Green Pass is only useful for moving between orange regions e bitchy. Between the regions of color yellow you can continue to move freely. Finally, this local certificate will anticipate the arrival of the European Green Pass, expected by mid-June.

image of the Italian Green Pass on a mobile phone -

How to get the Italian Green Pass and how long does it last?

The validity of the Italian Green Pass depends on the individual requesting it. In case this is vaccinated with double dose (o Single in the case of Johnson & Johnson), will have to request the green card the day of the last vaccination to the health facility or medical health insurance company who administered the vaccine. Its validity will be of 6 months. Same duration also for who it is healed from Covid-19. In this case, a request must be made to hospital facility where you were hospitalized or al general practitioner, if not hospitalized. Finally, if you make a quick swab o molecular the validity of the green card will be only of 48 hours. As in the previous cases, a request must always be made to the health facility, doctor or pharmacy in which the swab was carried out.

Differences with the European Green pass

The two vaccine passes will be very similar, although there is a very important difference. Although the Italian green pass will allow citizens of other states (including Italians returning from abroad) to arrive in Italy, the reverse is not true. In fact, Italian citizens will not be able to use this certification to move abroad without having to do the mandatory quarantine. Plus the Green Pass should also be accepted in non-EU countries, who will decide to join the initiative ofXNUMX-XNUMX business days. Of course, despite the EU directives for the pass, the individual states will in any case decide whether to impose a quarantine period on arrival or other security measures on travelers. Finally, just like the National green pass, the European Green Pass will also be based on three security policies (vaccine, swab or cure from Covid-19).

Italian green pass - green pass with passport

Il Italian green pass it will initially only be released in printed version. In the coming weeks, however, the arrival of one is also expected digital version, as will happen with the EU Green Pass. These new certificates are a symbol of the now imminent recovery of the travel safely in Italy and the EU in view of the summer. The biggest doubt now concerns travelers. There fear of Covid-19 it could in fact slow down most people in booking trips and holidays, especially if the location is in the orange or red zone. Will it really be like this or after months of being closed at home (or almost), will the desire to go out and travel prevail over fear? In a few weeks we will know the answer.

Italian green pass: from 15 May it will be possible to return to travel last edit: 2021-05-05T15:40:53+02:00 da Antonello Ciccarello
