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Eyes to the sky for the blue supermoon

La Blue supermoon is the protagonist of the August sky, a month that has seen many astronomical events very suggestive. Here is the information on this rare and suggestive phenomenon not to be missed.

Blue supermoon

The blue supermoon is an extremely rare and unrepeatable event: these are conditions that will make the Bigger and more beautiful moon throughout the course of the year. Also it is the 13°  full moon of the year which is called "Blue Moon", Blue Moon. the rarity of the phenomenon consists in the fact that in a year generally there are only 12 full moons but oAbout every two and a half years there happens to be a thirteenth. Which makes it all very suggestive along with the fact that she will be very close to Earth and visible.

A supermoon occurs when the Moon's orbit is closest (perigee) to the Earth and there is a full moon. Blue connotes the rarity of the phenomenon. It appears blue in its shades due to the movement of dust clouds caused by volcanic eruptions or forest fires on Earth.

The blue supermoon is a rare and very suggestive event; photo from Pixaby

Blue supermoon from Italy

The phenomenon will be visible in Italy from hours 20.20 about Thursday August 31 and will appear on the horizon looking east. We recommend getting away from the city lights to enjoy this show to the fullest.

According to the calculations of astronomers, the next full moon will pass just 357.344 km from Earth, will be the closest passage of the year for our satellite, whose distance averagesa from our planet it is about 384.400 km.

To admire two full moons in a month again we should wait for May 2026.

The Blue Supermoon is considered an auspicious appearance for setting intentions, releasing negative energy, and manifesting abundance. In many cultures, the full moon holds great significance, symbolizing change, transformation, and new beginnings.

An event not to be missed!

cover photo from Pixaby

Eyes to the sky for the blue supermoon last edit: 2023-08-28T07:20:00+02:00 da SABRINA PORTAL

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