Several months have passed since that tragic nineteenth of June 2020, when Alex Zanardi the famous sample Italian Paralympic, was the victim of a serious car accident. In the impact it had numerous neurological repercussions. On July 24th he was transferred to the San Raffaele in Milan. Since then the champion has not stopped fighting and today Alex Zanardi improves and there are the first slow signs of recovery. Today he was transferred to the Padua hospital.

Alex Zanardi - a close-up of the champion

Today the official news of Zanardi's transfer from San Raffaele to Padua

The rehabilitation process for Alex Zanardi continues. The sample was first subjected to a period of resuscitation, then followed by various neurological and facial surgical interventions. The numerous improvements have finally stabilized Zanardi's conditions, up to making it possible today to transfer him to another specialized hospital, in Padua, to continue the treatments that bring him closer and closer to home.

Zanardi improves: a first sign of returning home

The choice to transfer Alex Zanardi in another Padua hospital, this is a promising first sign of a return to normality for the San Raffaele doctors. In fact, if the medical conditions are positive, the Italian champion will be able to continue his rehabilitation directly at home, among his family members. In the note, issued by the doctors, the hope is precisely that of a consequent rapprochement at home.

The treatment of the last two months

The doctors of San Raffaele had no doubts in affirming that Zanardi is improving. But it was also thanks to his ability to react positively to the numerous cures and treatments in recent months, certainly including not only physical but also cognitive rehabilitation.

What happened to Alex Zanardi?

On 2020th June 2001 Alex Zanardi, while driving his handbike in a race in the Sienese hills of Pienza, was the victim of a serious road accident. In the impact against a truck, the Italian Paralympic champion got the worst of it. He was transferred to an emergency hospital in very serious neurological and physical conditions. Later he was then hospitalized at San Raffaele in Milan with a long hospital stay. A difficult destiny but full of strength and stubbornness that of Zanardi, who already in XNUMX was the victim of an accident that cost him the amputation of both legs.

Photo by Public Social Network by Niccolò Zanardi

A man with a positive and strong personality, who has always transmitted hope and the value of stubbornness in life. The perseverance and the conviction of succeeding make this man a sports legend, an example for many and a witness of tenacity. For this reason, Italy and all its fans from all over the world are following his improvements with apprehension, trusting in a quick recovery and in a new future for Alex Zanardi.

Zanardi improves: the champion is in stable conditions last edit: 2020-11-21T15:34:15+01:00 da Anna Maria Punzo
