In Lisbon, Casa Italia has opened its doors, the 'headquarters' of the Italian pilgrims who take part in the World Youth Day 2023 scheduled in the Portuguese capital from 6st to XNUMXth August. The flag signed by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, waves on the facade of the house, and the inscription “together” stands next to it.

casa italy

Casa Italia

"The Cei, with Casa Italia, wants to be a symbol of unity, of help along the way for Italian pilgrims who arrive in Lisbon“, said Msgr. Giuseppe Baturi, archbishop of Cagliari and general secretary of the CEI. “The flag signed by president Sergio Mattarella – added Msgr. Baturi – is a sign for the Italian boys who are here and for those who remain in their homeland. Because being a Christian is good for everyone, it is offering the possibility of a good that everyone can enjoy. The ambition is for our Italy to be a good home for everyone”. “We are here to solve problems. The groups – explains Fr Michele Falabretti, head of the National Service for youth pastoral care – will find the secretariat of the National Service for youth pastoral care which will offer assistance to chaperones and those in charge, an Embassy office and a medical centre. In the meantime, the kids can meet, share experiences, rest”. Free wi-fi is also available.


Service center

The experience of Casa Italia was born many years ago: at the beginning it was a service center for insiders, little by little it has been structured as a house where many people meet. There has probably never been a Casa Italia like another, precisely because it breathes the atmosphere that is created from time to time. Casa Italia, when it opens, must be ready in a few days to respond to needs that are not the same from one time to the next. It starts from the fact that there are some concrete needs: the collection of documentation for those in charge, the collection of material, a secretariat that is also a point where to find information. A headquarters for the coordination of the youth pastoral offices and above all for the coordination of the General Secretariat of the CEI which is a practical reference for the bishops and the dioceses.

(Photo Italian Episcopal Conference)

WYD 2023: Casa Italia opens in Lisbon, a point of reference for pilgrims from our country last edit: 2023-07-31T09:00:00+02:00 da Staff
