Who can lend a hand to an aspiring entrepreneur better than a professional already established in the company?

Who can lend a hand to an aspiring entrepreneur better than a professional already established in the company?
Women in the company and their projects in pink

Businesses led by women entrepreneurs are on the rise. The Observatory forfemale entrepreneurship of Unioncamere it counts over one million and three hundred thousand, of which ten thousand are brand new. A good sign, even if the obstacles are not lacking. First of all: the too high taxes, the ties and ties of bureaucracy, the difficulties in accessing credit. And gender stereotypes: the business leaders of our home are inserted in predominantly male contexts in which it is still difficult to make their way.

A bridge between old and new generations

With the cry of "united we win", the situation is improving thanks to entrepreneurs who, strengthened by the experience acquired, the risks experienced on their own skin, the goals achieved, the failures from which they have learned to start again, have much to teach those who puts at the helm of a company for the first time. Is called mentoring and translates into courses and programs in which the seniors make their skills available to help the younger ones grow professionally.
In practice, these are networks made up of professionals with great skills whose goal is to spread models of behavior, values, best practices. A sort of tutor who helps in the initial phase, often the most complicated in the history of a company, who is entering the job market for the first time.
The advantages for those who benefit from this help are many. Making use of the experience in the field made by others allows you to increase your awareness and find the right momentum to undertake an entrepreneurial project in which you believe.

What does it mean for female entrepreneurs to lead a company?

What does it mean for female entrepreneurs to lead a company?
A new business: renewable energy

Michela, 41 years old, partner of Vitakraft Italy , a company in which more than half of the employees are women and the average age of the employees is around 40.
Furthermore Michela is president of the Umbrian Network. He believes that determination, perseverance and courage are values ​​that he wants to convey through this network.
Federica, 40 years old, managing director of Archimedes Solar Energy. She entered the family business giving birth to a new business: renewable energy.
Energy is a sector that is affected by international political dynamics and decisions taken at a level far from the entrepreneur. For a woman entrepreneur, in order to be successful in a company it is necessary to maintain a bond with the territory and people.
Ilaria, 30 years old, Owner of roccafiore, a resort with an attached family winery. Thanks to this responsibility, she specialized in organizing events. She is also the director of a group company Baccarelli. She believes that, for a woman entrepreneur, what brings success to a company is to believe in the project and have courage, carrying out all the tasks with humility.

Women entrepreneurs at the top of a company: the secret is to play as a team last edit: 2017-09-22T09:30:25+02:00 da Rossana Nardacci
