In the coming days, much of Europe will be hit by a powerful cold wave that could last several days. The most accredited hypothesis is that between 7 and 9 February a cold air mass of Arctic origin, led by a cyclone centered between Finland and Russia, will first move towards central and eastern Europe, and then head towards Italy

Temperatures will undergo a sharp decline, in some cases even 10 degrees less than current temperatures, falling well below zero, with particularly harsh weather conditions in Eastern European countries. This frost will not be limited to those areas, but will progressively extend westward, also reaching Italy over the weekend.

Siberian Cold: Eastern Europe Below Zero

Between today and tomorrow, freezing air coming from Siberia will move towards Eastern Europe, initially affecting the areas surrounding the Black Sea. In particular, Turkey will be affected by heavy snowfall.

Starting from February 5-6, however, cold currents will also spread towards the westernmost states. temperatures will drop dramatically, with minimum temperatures that could reach extreme values ​​and the frost will be felt with particular intensity.

Cold weather arrives in Italy: plummeting temperatures and risk of snowfall

Even Italy will not be spared from this cold wave. Scientists predict that starting from Friday 7 February, a current of freezing air will reach our country, causing temperatures to plummet, especially in the Central-Northern regions. They are expected snowfall even at low altitude, with the northern regions and the Adriatic ones most exposed to this phenomenon. However, possible snowfalls are not excluded also in other areas of central Italy.

After weeks of unusually mild weather, this cold snap could represent a dramatic and significant change. With this cold snap approaching, it will be crucial to take precautions to deal with the cold temperatures and possible snowfall. Drivers will need to pay attention to road conditions, while those living in more exposed areas should prepare for possible hardships related to bad weather.

Weather, Siberian cold wave: temperatures below zero in Europe, will it hit Italy too? last edit: 2025-02-03T07:00:00+01:00 da Staff
