The first Italian should be a nurse from Spallanzani, a hospital that has always been at the forefront of the pandemic. And then it will be up to all the health personnel. December 27 will be the day already nicknamed the "V-day" that is the one that will kick off vaccination throughout Europe. And therefore also in Italy. After many countries, including Great Britain, the United States, now Europe too gives the green light to the vaccination campaign against Covid. The first vaccines, in fact, could arrive already by the end of the year. And first of all, healthcare personnel will be able to use it. It is speculated that it can be administered to hospital staff of those Italian regions that have been a symbol of the pandemic. A symbolic day, while mass vaccination will only come next month.

V-Day - vaccine vials

V-day, the announcement of Europe awaited by many people

The announcement of the date chosen for the European V-day made by the president of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen. The green light is awaited from EMA, the European drug agency, which is testing the vaccine Pfizer Biontech. The V-day of December 27 will be for all EU member countries. "It's time for Europe - wrote von der Leyen on Twitter -. Vaccination across the EU will begin on December 27, 28 and 29. Let's protect our citizens together". And in Italy programming is already underway with the Ministry of Health.

Covid, kicks off on December 27 with V-Day
Healthcare professionals will be involved in the vaccination first

On December 27 in Italy, here's what will happen

In all likelihood, therefore, as happened in the United States, a nurse could be the first person to be given the vaccine. And of Spallanzani, one of the hospitals that has always been at the forefront of the fight against Coronavirus. Vaccination could then continue in other regions and cities, more exposed to Covid, such as Lombardy, Bergamo and Milan. "December 27 will be a good day for Italy and Europe - underlined the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza -. We still need caution and the path will not be short. But with the start of vaccinations we are finally on the right track".

The doses are prepared for V-Day
The vaccine will be distributed in all Italian regions

This is not a mass vaccination. We have to wait until January. But it will start with health personnel and the most exposed categories, such as people housed in RSAs. "After the green light of the EMA we will be ready to leave a few days earlier than the assessments we had made. For this we must be ready with the regional plans”, Said Minister Speranza at the State-Regions summit.

This is how it comes to the Europeans a real gift of Christmas. As has been clarified several times, vaccination will not be mandatory. But the campaign will still be monitored to ensure the greatest possible coverage. Meanwhile, the V-day date marks an important long-awaited milestone. It is a first start that could lead to the start of the national monitoring. Italy and the regions of Northern Italy will be the first to benefit from it. But vaccination will soon be extended to all Italian regions.

V-day, the vaccination against Covid will start on December 27 last edit: 2020-12-17T18:30:57+01:00 da Federica Puglisi

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