We have gone from over 44.600 positions, between common and support positions of the first Pnrr competition to the current 19.032 positions: 13.247 on common positions and 5.785 on support. In fact, the first competition called extraordinary ter, known for being the first under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), initially received approval for 30.216 positions, but the positions were subsequently increased by a further 14.438 positions, bringing the total to 44.654 chairs.

In short, the next competition, called Pnrr 2 for short, will have less than half the places of the previous competition. But the saddest news is that there will be no competitions for some competition classes in some regions (we'll talk about it at the bottom of this article).

The rules for participating in the competition

The Ministry of Education confirmed yesterday the new rules that will govern the competition for teaching positions, introducing more stringent criteria for submitting the application. Aspiring teachers will have only 20 days to submit their application. While to pass the written test it will be necessary to obtain a minimum score of 70/100, as in the last competition. The novelty is that it will not be enough to get 70 to pass the oral exam. In fact, only a certain number of candidates equal to three times the available places, divided by region and competition class (CdC), will be admitted to the next phase. These new rules significantly reduce the number of candidates who will be able to aspire to a chair, making the competition an even more difficult challenge.

Pnrr 2, places available: a reduced picture

For support positions, the Ministry has announced a total of 4.832 positions advertised, but with an uneven distribution across the country. In fact, some regions will not offer any positions for certain categories, creating further territorial inequalities. Here is the situation:

  • Childhood (support): 302 places
  • Primary (support): 4.111 places
  • Lower secondary school (support): 314 places
  • Second grade secondary school (support): 105 places

Regions excluded from the competition

For support, not all regions will have access to the positions advertised. The same thing will probably happen for other competition classes (but this is not yet certain).

The regions excluded from the support competition will be the following:

  • Childhood: excluding Campania, Molise, Sardinia and Trentino-Alto Adige.
  • Primary: excluding Molise, Sardinia and Trentino-Alto Adige.
  • Lower secondary school: excluding Sicily, Tuscany, Trentino-Alto Adige, Umbria and Veneto.
  • Second grade secondary school: excluding Campania, Sicily, Tuscany, Trentino-Alto Adige, Umbria and Veneto.

The information is the result of recent meetings at the Ministry and may be subject to further changes. In fact, we are waiting for the official publication of the announcement to have definitive confirmation of numbers, criteria and methods. However, we understand that the new rules introduce an unprecedented degree of selectivity and that the places, significantly lower than the previous competition, will not be available for some regions in some cdc. The hope is that the definitive announcement can bring greater balance and transparency.

main photo: radio studio 93

School Breaking News: Pnrr 2, Very Few Places and in Some Regions the Competition Skipped! Here's Which last edit: 2024-12-05T17:58:42+01:00 da Staff
