Which Italian cities are most searched for by tourists? Sky has created a list of the 10 most searched cities on the internet in the main European countries.
The 10 most searched Italian cities in Germany
What are Germans looking for? Many cities are probably also searched for because of their airports.
- Catania
- Rome
- Napoli
- Palermo
- Lamezia Terme
- Milan
- Olbia
- Bari
- Venice
- Toast
- Verona
- Cagliari
- Bologna
- GenoVa
- Florence
The 10 Italian cities most searched by the English
What are the British looking for? Here is the list reported by Sky.
- Milan
- Rome
- Napoli
- Venice
- Pisa
- Verona
- Palermo
- Catania
- Florence
- Bari
- Cagliari
- Bologna
- Toast
- Perugia
- Ancona
The 10 Italian cities most searched by the French
What are the French looking for? In this case, two Sardinian cities appear, as well as Olbia and Alghero, a sign that Sardinia is a very popular destination for the French.
- Rome
- Palermo
- Napoli
- Milan
- Bari
- Catania
- Venice
- Olbia
- Cagliari
- Florence
- Toast
- Lamezia Terme
- Pisa
- Alghero
- Bologna
The 10 Italian cities most searched by Spaniards
What are the Spanish looking for?
- Rome
- Milan
- Venice
- Napoli
- Cagliari
- Florence
- Bari
- Palermo
- Bologna
- Catania
- Olbia
- Pisa
- Alghero
- Verona
- GenoVa
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