Ancient Egypt has always exerted a great fascination among the public. It may be for the majesty of his art or for the questions that arise when faced with such an ancient and so advanced civilization. But the things that most fascinate are all the enigmas that mysterious Egypt still keeps buried under its sand.
The wonders of Egypt in Turin
To get in touch with this ancient civilization, today it is not necessary to travel to Egypt. In fact, the oldest is found in Turin Egyptian art museum of the world, second in importance only to that of Cairo. The museum's collection, over the centuries, has gradually expanded to include over 30.000 pieces of inestimable value. Most of these artifacts arrived in Italy thanks to the Italian archaeological mission in Egypt in the 30s. Today taking away archaeological finds from a country would be unthinkable. At the time of the excavations, however, there was an agreement to divide the treasures found. Thus a part of the finds remained in Egypt and a part was taken by the financiers of the excavation campaigns. On the other hand, it must be remembered that over the centuries many countries have been robbed of their works of art, first of all Italy.
A new museum for an ancient civilization
A few years ago theexhibition area of the Egyptian museum has been enlarged to reach 60.000 square meters. This made it possible to exhibit many of those finds that would otherwise have remained in the dust of the warehouses. But the news is not over. Within the website, the museum is working on the digitization of the artifacts. This will allow you to make virtual visits that will allow everyone to see the Egyptian masterpieces of Turin. But obviously nothing can match the sensations one feels when seeing works of art live. Nothing is more exciting than being with your nose a few centimeters from history.