I'm Alessio.
I am thirty years old and have been happily engaged for eleven, since I was nineteen.
My girlfriend and I don't run. We are waiting for the right time to get married.
This strange period hasn't changed a lot of things in my life. I continue to cultivate my passion for music.
At its worst, this is also a good time. Good for cultivating passions, being able to stay at home all the time. I just can't.
I work in a supermarket.
One of the oddities of this time is that yesterday I was a simple employee, nothing special, and today instead they say that I am an indispensable resource. That I offer a service of necessity to my community. Even at the risk of my own good.
Today or yesterday, for me it does not change, I continue to respect the shifts. Those of always. With much more attention though. We bring a mask and gloves. And above all, let's keep our distance. Between us, and with customers. It's all very surreal. This moment that no one expected.
I see concern in the eyes of customers every day. We are this today. Eyes, have you noticed? We are just eyes on pieces of cloth. Eyes attentive, alert, bewildered, confused. Tired.
Surrounded by these eyes I continue. Job. And in my small way I'm proud.
To be, as they say, a resource for the common good. Even at the expense of mine.
And I would like to continue, this strange new respect for me that sometimes I seem to read in people's tired eyes. And then I think of disadvantaged families. Who will not receive the six hundred euro bonus. To those who can't take it anymore. And to those who just can't do it. Pride then tarnishes a bit, and I want everything to end, right away.
And I imagine the walk I will take along the seafront in Catanzaro Lido. As soon as it all ends. I'll hug my girlfriend, and then I'll hug mine. As always. And perhaps much better than ever.