From 883 checks performed by police of the Nas in bathing establishments and tourist villages throughout Italy, numerous and worrying violations of the law have emerged. What has come to light from the surveys carried out by the military of the Arma casts a further shadow on the tourist reception sector in our country.
Vacationers, already hit hard by an unjustified increase in prices, also find themselves having to deal with accommodation facilities that do not respect the normal parameters of hygiene, keep food that is expired or without traceability, and - as if that were not enough - in some cases, are the result of building abuses. A real blow for the tourism sector, which arrives right in the middle of the summer season.
All numbers
From the investigations carried out by the Nas, There are 257 bathing establishments and villages results irregular, equal to 31% of those inspected. They followed 415 criminal and administrative sanctions for over 290 thousand euros. The Nas have also arranged 20 closure orders and 11 business owners reported to the judicial authorities.
Sanitary deficiencies and other violations found by the Nas
Among the irregularities found by the Nas, hygienic-sanitary deficiencies in the environments emerge; non-compliance with workplace safety regulations and the risk prevention of use of the facilities by users; lack of periodic sanitation and rat extermination. Irregular foods intended for administration to customers exceed 2 tons. They have been 8 structures were found to be active and functioning but in the absence of authorisation. This is the case in Reggio Calabria, where the Nas carabinieri ascertained that a bathing establishment was used as an open-air disco in the evening. The place also welcomed 500 people without having public safety authorizations.
In Tuscany, three premises (one in the province of Livorno and two in the province of Lucca) were closed due to the presence of previous dirt, with traces of grease in the various environments and on the processing plants. Dead insects and cockroaches were found on the kitchen floor. In Sicily, in Catania, the Nas seized 90 liters of conditioned olive oil in a state of rancidity and 5 kilograms of illegally frozen meat in a poor state of conservation.
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