The christmas show, the film directed by Alberto Ferrari starring Raoul Bova, Serena Autieri, Francesco Pannofino, Tullio Solenghi and Ornella Muti is released in theaters. The film is distributed by Viva Productions in association with Altre Storie and Adler Entertainment. It is a Christmas comedy that nothing to do with the classic 'cinepanettone', rather a modern fairy tale that mixes fantasy and reality. A Christmas film for families that draws liberally on many classics of the genre.
The Christmas show
The story goes that the surgeon Sofia Rovati (Serena Autieri) and her two children, Ricky (Giulio Nunziante Ferraro) and Alice (Alice Ferrari), lead a rather sad life after the death of the head of the family, which occurred a few years earlier. However, a more than different Christmas is expected for them; in fact, an unexpected participation in the very popular reality Christmas Show, will soon make them the darlings of TV and social media. In the Rovati house, which has conveniently become a phantasmagorical television set, there are many characters who participate in the show. Pannofino plays the role of the health director of the Sofia hospital; while Solenghi and Muti are the grandparents of the two boys. Hilarious, ironic and somewhat paradoxical scenes are the leitmotif of the movie that knows how to keep different generations together.
The director Alberto Ferrari thus expresses himself on his cinematographic effort. “The Christmas show it's my first Christmas feature film; we were all in lockdown when I imagined this job. Every character in the story transforms during these Christmas holidays, a kind of magical realism of our days”.
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