The world of school, after the publication in Official Journal of the Prime Ministerial Decree 4 August 2023, which regulates the new qualifying paths for teachers or aspiring teachers, is in continuous ferment. In fact, we are waiting to find out which universities will be accredited and which will therefore provide the courses. We also look forward to finding out what the methods will be to register and attend the chosen course.
What is certain is that courses will be activated to achieve 60, 30 and 36 CFU. Who, for example, already has a specialization in another competition class or on support, will only have to achieve 30 CFU. Meanwhile, universities are proceeding to activate dedicated pages on their online portals to share news relating to qualifying paths.
School, Enabling Paths: Universities that have already activated dedicated pages on their sites
The qualification courses, which are attracting the attention of the school world, will have a maximum cost of 2500 euros for the achievement of 60 credits. For those who need to achieve 30, the cost is expected to be 2000 euros. The final qualifying test, however, will cost a maximum of 150 euros.
Universities are therefore gradually activating specific pages for enabling paths. Currently, in addition to the five universities already working on accreditation (SEE ALSO HERE), it is also possible to consult the sections of the following universities, regarding the achievement of 60 ECTS:
ABRUZZO -University of G. D'Annunzio Chieti -Pescara
CALABRIA-University of Calabria
EMILIA ROMAGNA- Bologna University
FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA-University of Trieste; University of Udine
LIGURIA-University of Genoa
MARCHE-University of Urbino
PIEDMONT-University of Turin
PUGLIA-University of Foggia
VENETO-University of Padua; University of Venice
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