The latest novel by the multi-talented Roman writer Alessandro Serra is entitled “The Patience of the Flower”. Roman by birth, after having spent more than twenty years in the…
Christmas at the theater with the usual fairy tales between princes and princesses, spells, evil witches, elves and happy ending adventures. For Christmas 2022…
There are over 40 appointments scheduled for the next edition of Bellinfest. The music festival dedicated to Vincenzo Bellini, father of Italian romantic melodrama will begin ...
He is one of the best Italian comedians, capable of impersonating many characters, always making them unique and original. Antonio Albanese turns 56 today. Face…
If there is anyone who has been able to draw reality with a touch of ironic melancholy and cutting sarcasm, it is undoubtedly Massimo Troisi. Expression of the typical ...
Cabaret artist, comedian, actor, voice actor, singer, director and TV host. No, we are not listing the many professions in the entertainment world, but those practiced ...
Imagine if you had the option of having a heated, outdoor swimming pool surrounded by greenery. Now imagine that the water in this pool is also a little ...
This is the motto that accompanied the long journey of the eclectic Dario Fo, a three hundred and sixty-degree artist and Nobel Prize for literature in 1997. Born ...