EXCELLENCES Federica Puglisi Italian pride, Anna Grassellino woman "D" of the year She is 39 years old and one of the most successful women internationally. Passion for his work, determination, iron will. But above all the support ...
CULTURE, EXCELLENCES Flavia Del Treste https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/2116292715064552/ 111 years ago she gave us the privilege of being her compatriots It was the year 1986, Rita Levi Montalcini receives the Nobel Prize for medicine shared with Stanley Cohen. Recognition opens the door to a phase ...
CULTURE, EXCELLENCES Flavia Del Treste https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/2116292715064552/ 111 years ago we had the privilege of being her compatriots The year was 1986, Rita Levi Montalcini received the Nobel Prize in Medicine shared with Stanley Cohen. That award opened the door to an unexpected…