EXCELLENCES, ITALIAN FASHION Francesca D'Elia https://plus.google.com/117314136251798336104 Orange Fiber: Sicilian fashion excels all over the world Citrus peels are a style Nature always offers everything: this is demonstrated by Orange Fiber, the company that teaches the use of citrus fruits in its ...
DISCOVER ITALY Francesca D'Elia https://plus.google.com/117314136251798336104 Ecovillage: life respecting the environment The growth of an ideal: the ecovillage The ecovillage is the need to reunite with mother nature. More and more people are changing their choice of ...
HEALTH Francesca D'Elia https://plus.google.com/117314136251798336104 Festival of the Tree: respect, gratitude and love for nature The feast of the tree is celebrated in the green lungs of the city to teach solidarity and love for nature. Perhaps one of the few parties that ...