The documentary film "Raffa" on the legendary Raffaella Carrà arrives in theaters, who would have turned 18 on June 80th. To celebrate the great artist…
"You begin to make fashion", this is the name of the exhibition that celebrates the fashion of the legendary Raffaella Carrà, an extraordinary international artist. A tribute from…
'Raffa' is here, the first Disney + docu-series dedicated to Raffaella Carrà. The filmed work will retrace the extraordinary life of one of the icons of pop culture ...
In 2023 the face of Raffaella Carrà will be featured on the two euro coin. To divulge the extraordinary news the radio-television host Fabio Canino, during ...
79 years ago Raffaella Carrà was born, the "lady of Italian television" who over the years has revolutionized the world of entertainment like few others in Italy….
The unforgettable Raffaella Carrà relives with “Joy”, a box set with the most beautiful songs of the Bolognese artist, who died last July following a long illness….
Perhaps the image that among the many others made Raffaella Carrà an icon of the Italian show is that of Tuca Tuca in Canzonissima 1971. The great one…
Tiziano Ferro celebrates his birthday today! Best wishes to a poet of Italian and international music. Tiziano Ferro, a myth that enchants with its notes ...