First press conference of the year for Prime Minister Mario Draghi who met journalists at Palazzo Chigi tonight. Together with the prime minister also the ...
Free treatment for those who have been seriously infected by Covid, this is the proposal put forward by Minister Speranza; meanwhile, the pandemic in Italy continues to register ...
Vaccines for all, this is the short-term objective that the commissioner for the Covid emergency, General Francesco Figliuolo, sets himself as soon as the vaccination is completed ...
Covid emergency in Italy: the vaccination campaign exceeds 15 million inoculated doses. The monitoring system detected the data of 15.099.777 administrations ...
Covid, a vaccine and two doses of different types: the experiment can work, the hypothesis is currently being studied in Germany. Meanwhile, as regards the infections ...
Covid, attempts are being made to accelerate the vaccination campaign: government authorities and scientific experts are aiming for 500 vaccinations per day. In the meantime…
Covid, including pediatricians and dentists involved in the vaccination campaign. Meanwhile, the contagion curve confirms important numbers. "I thank the pediatricians, outpatient medical specialists and ...
Easter in red like Christmas, this seems to be the orientation of the national government regarding the anti-Covid restrictions for the upcoming Easter holidays. The new…
The ministers of the government and the presidents of the regions intensify the discussion to decide the new anti-Covid measures that will constitute the new Dpcm, in force ...
The next Dpcm of the government will go into effect from March 6 to April 6. Meanwhile, as far as infections are concerned, the English variant conditions ...
The contagion curve continues to rise and vaccinations are proceeding slowly throughout the country. According to data released by the Ministry of Health ...
Covid emergency, the variant alarm relating to virus mutations is growing and someone again invokes the total lockdown. "In the Italian context, vaccination of the categories of ...