“Manodopera” is the title of the animated film by Alain Ughetto which tells the story of his grandparents, Piedmontese peasants, migrants in France in search…
Next Thursday the council of ministers will take place in Steccato di Cutro, the Calabrian town on whose coast a terrible shipwreck took place during the night…
Two countries geographically distant but close in heart. There is a special bond that unites Italy and Argentina. We have often talked about the deep roots that ...
We Italians are known to be a people inclined to emigrate. From Europe to America via Australia: we are almost five million scattered all over the world. But you ...
Dr. Aldo Morrone's only mission: to provide medical assistance in Africa Aldo Morrone has recently returned from Ethiopia. It was in Tigray, on the border with Eritrea….