The latest novel by the multi-talented Roman writer Alessandro Serra is entitled “The Patience of the Flower”. Roman by birth, after having spent more than twenty years in the…
Waiting for public transport shouldn't be the norm but guaranteeing a punctual service in a metropolis can be difficult. In the hope that in the next ...
Elisabetta Bagli is an appreciated author of short stories, fairy tales and poems. The verses, in particular, occupy a prominent place in his life, oriented by ...
I'm Riccardo. I married Maria four years ago and for two years we have had a child, Ludovico. I live in Conegliano, near Treviso, a town nestled between ...
The printed and enriched edition of At the time of the virus - One hundred voices between feelings and reality, the ebook distributed free of charge, arrives in bookstores tomorrow, May 18 ...
After Happiness on the bedside table, the director and psychotherapist Alberto Simone returns to the bookstore with Every day a miracle - Learning the art of loving ...