The world according to me was born in December 2013.
Initially it takes the form of a personal diary, through which the author wants to share their emotions with distant family and friends.
The blog thus becomes a container of one's stories and reflections Italian mom in Dublin. TOlle taken with his daughter Asia who was born and raised in the Irish capital. Subsequently in 2016 the blog changes its face and the stories told take a completely new form.
Experience Ireland
Today The world according to me has sections dedicated above all to those who want to visit the Island of Ireland. Specifically, with the public, stories, curiosities and amusing anecdotes that characterize the island and its inhabitants are shared.
Inside, the reader finds travel notes. But also information about Ireland and useful tips for mothers who raise their children abroad.
From the blog comes a YT channel through which the author, together with her daughter Asia, shares stories of a disparate nature.