I am a Milanese architect on the run to London, where I have lived since September 2013.
It can be said that I ran away with the cardboard suitcases. I was catapulted to London by my husband's work. When I got here I was very pregnant, but above all completely unprepared.
I had no idea how the world of work in the UK works, nor the tools to understand it as my level of English was supebasic. I was looking for information and suggestions to get back to work, but I was always bumping into walls or closed doors.

After a year of maternity leave, I started yet another job search. Only this time it was different: I was no longer in Milan, but in London. All new. Not only do we change languages ​​and cities but also laws, codes, measurement systems, not to mention culture and way to work.

The idea of ​​the Blog

So the enlightenment of gathering all those who like me were looking for info in a group and a community on FB which then also became a blog and which collects all the information, makes up for my lack of memory and can be useful to everyone. those who, like me, feel that London is calling is what it takes.

Enlightenment has borne its fruits. After some studies and preparations, I finally returned to work with conditions rather different from those left in the dear Bel Paese.

Enjoy and see you in London!
